Sunday, February 27, 2011

Uniqueness vs. Influences


  - My father once told me way back in highschool, the stage where I started getting involved to a group I called my PEERS.

  I believe that the essence of having a circle of friends begins during our teenage years, the time when we become more curious of who we are and even by trying to figure out which type of individuals do we belong. This is where we seek for acceptance. It is normal because we are growing up and part of it is our deep courage to find our place in this world. But there are certain situations that before you will be admitted to your desired company, you must project a personality that is similar to them. Actually, the jargons that teenagers usually say " you don't belong" makes it a fact that they are skilled of choosing who they want to be with, the capability to criticize an individual's attitude and style.Obviously, it is not a group if the members doesn't have the same interest. This will now subject the occurence of PEER PRESSURE.
  Of all my experiences in life, dealing with my friends' influences can be considered as one of the most serious challenges I've ever encountered. It is never easy because it will force you to do something that is out of your curiosity, or be somebody that you never intended to be. This happens because we are afraid to be left behind. We take the risk in exchange of the attention that we want people to give us.........which we know is wrong.We need friends indeed. In a group, we share, connect and relate. But our need of them must not affect our own way of thinking because no matter what, each of us will remain unique. Still, we will differ even in a single matter. And as a matured person, we should not let ourselves be ruled by this dare. Remember that the cluster you're involved with could definitely DEFINE you as a being. As what my father reminded me, "NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR YOU EXCEPT YOU."

Sunday, February 20, 2011


"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences!" - M. Scott Peck

  A first for all the FEU Mass Communication Students who had their event entitled "2011 MC FAIR INTENSIFIED" held on February 15 to 17, a three-day affair for the students who belong in the said course. Students enjoyed the exhibit and several contests was joined by different year levels who have the guts of proving themselves on the Communication Society such as Quiz Bee, Editorial Cartoon Making, Mass Comm Idol Season 7 and the first ever Mass Comm Best Dance Crew . Along with this, new talents were discovered making the department proud for those who did  an astonishing performances showing that individuals majoring in this field are not only excellent in communication skills but also exceptional in the other aspects of giving entertainment to the crowd.

 The Aldovino Administration have impressed the Mass Communication Society in dealing with their every task and making each of it such a great job. Despite of being a senior student, Gary Aldovino took his responsibility for the society as one of his top priorities. He has the so called "secret of leadership" - the mind that never turns off. His actions inspired others to be as tough as what he is. Together with the president are his aspiring co-officers and also his supportive committees who had been with him in a year of full service.
     "M"arvellous and "C"lever Tamaraws are Mass Communication students.

A shirt designed for all masscommunication students in which they will proudly wear inside and outside the FEU campus.

A photo showing masscomm students first in their official uniform, PE uniform, and in their Org. Shirts.

The Mass Comm Fair - a yearly event in which we were once again united by sharing our similarities and by celebrating our differences for we have different abilities which makes each of us "unique" but still the common goal is to master proficiency on our chosen field.  It is almost the end of the school year that Mass Comm Fair hit and indeed, this project will serve as an episode that will mark the Communication Department's history.